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do you have a cigarette? and other ways of approaching |
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nom: | do you have a cigarette? and other ways of approaching |
data: | 2008 |
etiquetes: | performance, cigarrets, discoteques, clubs, flirteig, efímer |
creació i direcció: | pere faura |
intèrprets: | barbara meneses |
música: | ivo bol |
assessor dramatúrgic: | jeroen fabius |
vestuari, escenografía y llums: | jorge dutor |
agraïments: | marcel schmalgemeijer, david zambrano |
durada: | 1 hora |
productor: | frascati
theater, amsterdam |
estrena: | Frascati Theater, Amsterdam, desembre 2008 |
resum: |
Do you have a cigarette? and other ways of approaching is the transformation of the theater into a club, a disco dance theater performance that explores the bounders between public and private, between individual and collective, between celebration and ephemeral stupidity.
premsa: |
arxiu: |
requeriments tècnics: | Les llums: (veure
plànol de llums) |